
作者: 審核人: 訪問量:4558發布時間:2020-09-09


2018.06-現在  ag真人百家家乐平台 講師 碩士生導師;
2012.09-2018.03 北京航空航天大學 自動化科學與電氣工程學院/高等理工學院高博班 導航、制導與控制專業 碩博連讀獲工學博士學位;
2008.09-2012.06 中國礦業大學 信息與電氣工程學院  電氣工程與自動化專業獲工學學士學位。

IEEE Member, 中國航空學會會員,中國電子學會會員;
中文核心期刊《戰術導彈技術》青年編委,《無人系統技術》青年編委,SCI期刊 Mathematical Problems in Engineering專刊客座編輯;
長期擔任IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,The Journal of the Franklin Institute,Aerospace Science and Technology,Nonlinear Dynamics,ISA Transactions等國際SCI期刊審稿人。

1.2019年獲國防科學技術進步二等獎1項, 排5;


1. Zikang Su, Chuntao Li, Honglun Wang. Barrier Lyapunov function-based robust flight control for the ultra-low altitude airdrop under airflow disturbances. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 84: 375–386.
2. Zikang Su, Mingyang Xie, Chuntao Li. RISE based active vibration control for the flexible refueling hose. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 92: 387–404.
3. Zikang Su, Honglun Wang, Na Li. Anti-disturbance rapid vibration suppression of the flexible aerial refueling hose. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018, 104: 87–105.
4. Zikang Su, Honglun Wang, Na Li, Yue Yu, Jianfa Wu. Exact docking flight controller for autonomous aerial refueling with back-stepping based high order sliding mode. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018, 101: 338-360.
5. Zikang Su, Honglun Wang. Probe motion compound control for autonomous aerial refueling docking. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018, 72: 1-13.
6. Zikang Su, Honglun Wang, Peng Yao, Yong Qin. Back-stepping based anti-disturbance flight controller with preview methodology for autonomous aerial refueling. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2017, 61: 95-108.
7. Zikang Su, Honglun Wang, Xingling Shao, Yu Huang. A robust back-stepping based trajectory tracking controller for the tanker with strict posture constraints under unknown flow perturbations. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2016,56(4):34-45.
8. Zikang Su, Honglun Wang. A novel robust hybrid gravitational search algorithm for reusable launch vehicle approach and landing trajectory optimization. Neurocomputing, 2015, 162:116-127.
9. Zikang Su, Honglun Wang, Peng Yao. A hybrid backtracking search optimization algorithm for nonlinear optimal control problems with complex dynamic constraint. Neurocomputing, 2016, 186:182-194.
10. 王宏倫, 蘇子康,裴雲峰. 考慮交接班誤差的RLV進場着陸軌迹和安全交接區設計. 航空學報, 2014,35(11):3092-3105.
11. Zikang Su, Zunkun Cheng,Honglun Wang,Robust 3-D low-altitude airdrop flight control via the sigmoid function-based observer, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems, Beijing, 2019. (Best Paper Award).


[1] 主持,國家自然科學青年基金1項,2020-2022年,在研;
[2] 主持,江蘇省自然科學基金青年基金1項,2020-2022年,在研;
[3] 主持,航空科學基金(自由探索類)1項,2019-2021,在研;
[4] 主持,中央高校基本科研專項基金1項,2020-2021,在研;
[5] 主持,遼甯省重點實驗室開放基金1項,2020-2022,在研;
[6] 主持,ag真人百家家乐平台科研啟動基金1項,2018-2020,在研;
[7] 參與,國家自然科學面上項目2項,在研;

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